Helpful Hints

Here are some tips to help you play the game. Please read all of them before beginning.

  • Early game clues are given away for Greater Clue 1 in Tutorial
  • The Poem 1 Lessor Clue answer is the first letter of every other sentence starting with sentence 1 but not including the 3rd sentence:
    Answer: O-E-N-O-T-R-I-A-N-S
  • The Photograph 1 Lesser Clue answer: Crown of Thorns.
  • The Novel Part 1 Lessor Clue: Eponym. Look up its meaning.

Red Skeleton Keys are found in some of the Part Pages of the novel, Secret of the Carsarians. They are very important. That is why they are called “Keys”. They guide you in what to think about in determining the Greater Clues.

  • The novel, Secrets of the Carsarians
  • The poems and photographs in The Anthology and Poetic Musings

Any or all of the Lesser Clues are directing the Maskateer to study the clues as to what they have in common. The Lesser Clues are trying to direct you toward the answer for the Greater Clue. The Maskateer must figure out the Greater Clues within their mind.

The Shield Cypher includes letters, numbers, and a space between words.

The Angle Cypher does include letters but not numbers or a space between words.

If you see a Crown of Laurels above the cypher, it means there is a Caesar Shift to determine the cypher. Most Caesar Shifts are a forward shift of 2.

With a Caesar Shift, if you have The Mask Trilogy Cypher Wheel, rotate the inner green wheel to the “S” on the inner green circle so that it lines up with the “S” on outer circle of letters. With a Caesar Shift of “2”, rotate the green wheel forward 2 letters. Now the letter “S” on the green circle is across from the letter “U” on the outer circle. If “U” is the cypher letter in the cypher, the correct cypher letter is “S” not “U”.

If you do not have The Mask Trilogy Cypher Wheel, write on a piece of paper the 26 letters of the alphabet in a line. With a Caesar Shift of 2, write below the letter “C”, the letter “A”. Then write the rest of the alphabet below the original line of letters. If the cypher letter in the cypher is “C”, the correct letter to solve the cypher is “A”.

  1. Part 2 Medici Influence: First two lines of the shield cypher are correct. The second two lines of the shield cypher are incorrect. The correct last two lines of cypher should read:
  2. Part 4: Misspelling on Photograph 4 Affection. Masala should read Marsala
  3. Part 8: East Meets West: Key Cypher: Eliminate the 8th angle.
  4. Part 10: Musical Finale: The Angle Cypher is a Caesar Shift. Look at the riddle closely.
Once you have read all of the helpful hints, you are ready to play the game!